Here is Chuck still on the boat watching the tourists board their tour bus for a pre-planned excursion.
This is group 6. They are heading to their preassigned bus.
One nice thing about it being a holiday was that all the colorfully painted fishing boats were still resting at home. I would say there is quite a tide in this location.
We took a taxi into the city of Puerto Montt. Sure enough, practically everything was closed. We walked around the town enjoying the plazas. I am including the picture below special for Dad Watson and our friend Noi. Chuck's father is a long time member of the Rotary. And, Noi lives in Cheng Mai, Thailand. Noi is the president of the Cheng Mai Rotary International. Noi and her husband, Vera visited Chuck and I about a year ago. We miss you Noi and Vera, hope to see you again soon.
Here is Chuck looking back over the city.
One thing we did find open was the supermarket. We enjoyed walking through and comparing their meat and produce to ours. Would you believe that Chuck is holding a lemon? One lemon would make a whole pie!!!
I went back to the boat early. Chuck stayed ashore and continued to explore. He found an outdoor market with tons of stalls.....all selling tourist "stuff."